Collaboration with artists who create transdisciplinary between theatre, dance, movement and choreography and who are involved into research of the above mentioned disciplines and beyond them. Development of residencies, productions of conceptual dance and post- dramatic works, festivals, lectures- presentations, conferences and workshops, in which there will be reflected, reassessed and critically reconsidered innovative ideas.

„Неуспехoт како пракса“, онлајн настани и работилници
En↓ 11-28.12.2020 „Неуспехoт како пракса“, онлајн настани и работилници Концепт, уметничка насока: Дарко Драгичевиќ (Берлин) 11-28 декември 2020 година Уметнички соработници: Рут-Јохана Андерсон (Стокхолм), Кристина […]